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Mitochondrial Disease is any disease that results from failures of the mitochondria, the part of the cell responsible for creating more than 90% of the energy needed by the body to sustain life.


When the mitochondria fails, not enough energy is generated in the cell and cell injury and even cell death will occur. If this process is repeated throughout the body, whole organ systems begin to fail.



The parts of the body, such as the heart, brain, muscles and lungs, requiring the greatest amounts of energy are the most affected. Symptoms can include seizures, strokes, severe developmental delays, inability to walk, talk, see, and digest food combined with a host of other complications. 


There is no cure.



To learn More about Mitochondrial Disease, visit:

The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation 

Mito Action

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Cleveland Clinic



What Is Mitochondrial Disease?

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Grace Robinson

A Life Full of Grace & Mito

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